Gluten Free Gingerbread House - Daring Bakers Challenge

The December 2009 Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to you by Anna of Very Small Anna and Y of Lemonpi. They chose to challenge Daring Bakers’ everywhere to bake and assemble a gingerbread house from scratch. They chose recipes from Good Housekeeping and from The Great Scandinavian Baking Book as the challenge recipes.

This month has been crazy busy and I wasn't sure if I would get to do this challenge (even though I've been wanting to make a gingerbread house for years!) Luckily it turned out, albeit a bit sloppy as I had some humidity trouble with the icing. Everything was gluten free and I will post my recipes soon...
We had a great time decorating our house!

My husband's a pro...his family has been building and
decorating graham cracker house for years!


  1. Thanks for doing such a fabulous job for us GF bodies. Have you considered adding a search on your blog?
    Your recipes really save us in so many ways. Thanks.

  2. Terina- I'm so happy that you are enjoying my gluten free recipes! You should be able to search my blog in the box at the very top left hand corner of my blog, above the title. One of these days I'm going to rearrange things to make it more user friendly. Thanks for the feedback!
