Granola Recipe?

Shane's schedule has been pretty busy this past week so I really haven't done much cooking. It's just not as fun to cook for one! I have been thinking a lot about food though - especially granola...crunchy sweet nutty granola with almonds and raisins and coconut...maybe a hint of cinnamon...mmm! Does anyone have a good recipe? I came across this honey nut granola recipe that looks promising but if you have a recipe that you love I'd like to try it!


  1. James' brother has a really good recipe for rolled oats. You do it all in the crock pot. But do they have gluten free rolled oats? I can ask to get the recipe if you'd like. Cant wait to see you!! Love you a million!

  2. I can't remember everything that's in it, but do you have Grandma Rasbands Granola Recipe? That is some yummy crunchy goodness! If you don't have it, I can pass it on to you, let me know!
